So what did I do? The only thing I did was to ask my father’s sitter, who I hired, to help me put my father in conservatorship. My father was writing $1,000 per month of checks to mail scammers. He was getting scammed by email and by phone. This went on for a long time before I decided to put him in a conservatorship.

Watching and keeping my father from getting scammed became a full time job for me. My father was obsessed with getting scammed. It was like his job. It became his daily challenge to one up me after I had cut off his access to scams. The scammers knew who he was. The phone rang every 15 minutes with a scam. We got 25 pieces of scam mail a day. The emails would come into him with scams like you won a million dollars, just send us $250 and we will send you your winnings. He would believe them every time. Even after he had gotten burned by the same scam before.

Sometimes he would get a prize in the mail. A plastic piece of crap miniature lantern. A vial of gold shards in some sort of liquid. Fake gold coins. Miracle vitamins. All just to keep him going, as the promise was the next prize would be bigger and better.

His sitter, Evelyn, knew of the scams. She would even tell me when he gave a phone scammer his credit card number. She helped get the incoming scam mail and the outgoing checks he would send. Should have know though. But then, Evelyn betrayed me, and told my father that I was going to put him in a mental asylum so I could steal his money. Due to my father’s mental state, he believed her. She convinced him I was stealing his money.

She had been waiting for the right occasion to use the trust I had given her to take advantage of my vulnerable father. I guess, I was naïve to think she really loved her job, and that is why she was starting to feel like part of the family. No, it was all manipulation on her part.

In 2019 my father and I decided to sell the family house and land, and buy something easier to manage. My father could no longer help me take care of the place, and the hundred-year-old house was about to need to major repairs.

He had wanted to move out a year before. He said the house was too big, and too cold in the winter. I ended up buying a house in Oxford that was closer to medical care and services. Also, the house was much easier to maintain.

Evelyn knew the farm house proceeds where in the bank, and I was going to find a new house for us to move into. She convinced my father that I was steaking money from and to take $230,000 (house sale proceeds) joint funds out of the bank, and put it where I could not get to it. The next day she took him to an attorney in Batesville to revoke my POA, so I could not retrieve the money they had just conspired to steal.

My father never notified me of the revocation, and I went to the bank and reversed the transaction. After I got the money away from the sitter access, the sitter told my father He needed to sue me. She found Attorney Swayze Alford. She made the appointment and sat in on most every meeting he had with Mr. Alford.

Then with not a scintilla of evidence, not a line of Mississippi Code, and the word of obviously manipulative sitter with ulterior motives Swayze Alford filed a law suit against for something I did not do. The sitter and Swayze told my father to move out into an assisted living facility. She blocked my phone number from his cell phone.

My father believes he has a relationship with Evelyn Stevens beyond just a sitter. Furthermore, she has not been his sitter since she stopped working for me. I have caught her in countless perjuries in her deposition. Evelyn mysteriously quit working for me. I had placed a GPS on our car. I found out that SR was secretly meeting Evelyn and they would drive around the country for hours. Although she denied it the deposition, I had the evidence from the GPS tracker and my camera phone.

So what did I do? I gave up my professional career, moved back from Austin, and took care of my mentally incapacitated parents. I tried to keep my father out of scams. I retrieved the $230,000 Evelyn convinced my father to steal. Knowing my father is mentally incapacitated and that his sitter is trying to take him for everything his has, Swayze Alford sues me for stealing my father’s money, and proceeds to intentionally ruin my life.

This story gets worse. Way worse.






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