It is recommended that the reader read the blog article “How Evelyn’s Con Began”

Let’s analyze the complaint and make some judgments about our Mississippi judicial system, who really controls it, and their motives.

My father met with Swayze Alford on June 16, 2021. As far as I can tell by the GPS tracker on his vehicle, he did not visit him at his office again before the complaint was served upon me. It should be noted and proven by her own deposed testimony that Evelyn Stevens took SR to the appointment and sat in on the meeting.

As I recall I was served the complaint on November 10th. It had a summons for me to appear on November 17th or I could receive an unfavorable summary judgement if I did not.

Also, Swayze Alford never sent a demand letter. Typically lawyers always send a demand letter before filing a complaint. In this case it certainly would not made him look like a fool later.

Upon reading the complaint, I became very emotional and angry and could not finish it. I put it down, and after an hour or two to calm down, I picked it up again, and finished reading it. I determined it was the dumbest complaint I have ever read. I used to work for a law firm in college and have read and understood hundreds of complaints. As a CPA, I have had to read entire law suit litigation, and quantify risk and monetary damage to be disclosed on financial statements. For some reason at my CPA firm, I was usually assigned these legal analytical tasks. Guess they thought I was good at it. Throughout my career as CPA working for corporations and consulting, I had to read many more lawsuits. I worked and spoke to attorneys almost every day about litigation, contracts, and how to structure a transaction. In short I have the capability of reading litigation, forming and expressing an opinion on it.

Please read the Complaint.

FACTS: ¶ 6 is false. Swayze fails to state it was a joint account. Swayze implying that it was SR’s account is a lie, and he knows that it is. Swayze fails to state the fact that my father stole this money from me when he transferred to his own account. Swayze also implies that I stole amounts from SR’s account. This again is again is another lie, and Swayze knows this. I managed the joint account. I had complete POA over my father’s business. I told my father every transaction that I did before I did it.

Swayze is not only consciously and overtly lying, he has no evidence of what he is asserting. A decent, ethical lawyer will not bring a lawsuit against the son of his client knowing that there is zero evidence, and knowing it would ruin the relationship between and elderly man and his only living relative and son. Not only that, but Swayze knows that Evelyn Stevens made the appointment, SR is obviously suffering from Alzheimer’s, and that Evleyn must be trying to take advantage of the situation. One can only assume that Swayze consciously decided he would get in on this jackpot himself.

FACTS: ¶ 7 Swayze should had known that revoking the POA was a mistake, as there was no evidence that JR had done anything that would deserve having his POA revoked and revoking JR’s POA would put SR at risk. Again, since Evelyn took SR to revoke the POA that day after they stole $230,000, something must not be right with this matter.

FACTS: ¶ 8 Swayze then asserts I went to the Batesville branch of Regions Bank where I was told of that SR revoked my POA. Why would I drive all the way to Batesville, when there are 3 branches in Oxford that I can do the same business at. I never drive to Batesville to conduct banking business with Regions. SR says he believes I did go to Batesville, but has no actual evidence. I am sure Swayze knows better, and if issues like evidence or commonsense have no say when one wants to take advantage of an elderly, mentally incompetent man, then I say that is what predators do. That is what narcissistic psychopaths do. Swayze will base his whole case against me on unproven, unreasonable allegations and speculation that any intelligent man would know to be false.

FACTS: ¶ 9 Not even sure what this paragraph means. I traded stocks out of my father’s Schwab account? It is obvious that Swayze is getting over his skis on this one. Typically have to have at least a college level education to understand how investment accounts work. First, my father’s investment account was at TDAmeritrade. Decent, ethical lawyers  would ask to see the evidence before sueing his client’s son for the benefit of the sitter.

Then Swayze contrives 13 counts of something based on absolutely nothing. No evidence. Meaningless counts. All hinging on the unprovable statement that I went to Batesville to transfer some money instead of Oxford where I live.

Still, looking at ¶ 52, Swayze asks that I return SR’s money. Just the demand implies a lie upon the court. It was not SR’s money I took. The money SR had taken was jointly owned. That is undisputable.  I retrieved SR and JR’s joint funds that were stolen from the joint account by SR and Evleyn.  Swayze has to know this is lie or he is more illiterate dumbass then I already think his is.

Let us not forget, that Swayze did not call me nor send me a demand letter. That would have been the correct thing for him to do. If he had done the right thing, my father and I would be living together, and his life would be much better then it is now. Now, our relationship is ruined forever by the intentional, greedyness of Swayze Alford, a holder of a Mississippi law license.

Then asking for stocks to be returned. What stocks? Decent, ethical lawyers do not sue someone’s son based on not seeing any evidence. There is no evidence of stolen stocks. There is no evidence that it was SR’s money and not mine. There is evidence that his sitter that was sitting right next to SR during this meeting and was the culprit. The correct thing for Swayze to do per his oath as a lawyer was to call the DA and have charges pressed against Evelyn for elder abuse. In this case it was too hard to ask a predator and narcissistic psychopath to control their behavior and do the right thing. He could not resist the opportunity to take advantage of a family’s tragedy to make easy money, which I am sure in his mind he deserved to have.

Let us not forget that Swayze did not call me nor send me a demand letter. That would have been the correct thing for him to do. If he had done the right thing, my father and I would be living together, and his life would be much better then it is now. Now, our relationship is ruined forever by the intentional actions and greed of Swayze Alford, a holder of a Mississippi law license.






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