The name derives from the legendary Watergate matter of the early 1970’s, because as Watergate taught us is that its not the crime, it’s the cover up that gets you caught. Swayze apparently does not learn from history, and repeats it.
IN early March 2022 my father came to the Crawford house to show me his new pick up truck he just purchased. Knowing his finances, he did not have the cash to pay for it, nor even enough monthly residual cash to make a loan payment. Knowing how my father is easily scammable, and how used car salesman are, I knew he got ripped off. Lastly, he did not need a pickup as he had a car that he should even be driving and lived at an assisted living facility.

I requested that Brad Golman request the sales documents of the truck via a discovery request. Again, Brad made a poor professional judgement decision that was really in favor of his colleague and opposing counsel, Swayze Alford. He stated that SR had the right to buy the truck and he wasn’t going to request the documents. I disagreed and restated that it would be good for the case I wanted to prove. Turns out I was right, and Brad was wrong, again. Brad’s lack of action was just another count of malpractice, and appeasing Swayze. Later he would say he asked verbally for the documents and had no success. He should have propounded the discovery then and there, but he did not. As Brad realized I was an hour or so from firing him, he hurried a notice of discovery and sent Swayze the request. Since he was just doing something, he should had done on his own over a month before, his ‘too little, too late’ action did not save him.

Swayze never turned over the truck sales document. I asked my new counsel, Mitchell Driskell, to demand the documents. He sent a formal letter to Swayze on July 6, 2022. No documents were sent. Then, in an agreed court order to avoid the Strike Hobbs Motion hearing, Swayze agreed to turn over the documents, but never did. Nor did he say why he had not, or even when he would sign the order. I had warned Mitchell that Swayze would lie regarding verbal agreed orders. Mitchell showed incredibly poor professional judgment, and did not appreciate being held accountable for it. Mitchell dared me to fire him, so I did.

I decide to be Pro Se until I get the truck documents and the order signed that would strike the Hobbs opinion. Not supriselingly I was more effective then either Brad or Mitchell, and got the truck docs and the order signed fairly quickly.

I met with Swayze at his office in late October 2022, and ask when will he turn over the truck documents. He said he would on November 2, 2022(he did), but warned my that Evelyn’s name was on the truck registration. I was not surprised.

When I did get the sales invoice, it did show Evelyn’s name as a purchaser. The document also showed that the vehicle was paid for in cash. These facts led me to depose Evelyn. Swayze said he would object as there was no need to depose to Evleyn. Ended up he did not object, as Swayze absolutely lies as easy as he breathes. On note of me stating unequivocally that Swayze lies, I will state he lies in court too. I sincerely hopes he sues me for defamation, but I know that he will not.

I depose Evleyn. I learn that SR gave her our jointly owned Buick LeSabre. I learn that he did paid cash for the truck. I learned that Evelyn’s name was on SR account at First Security Bank (Batesville), and that her name is on two of his accounts at FNB. I did not know about the FNB accounts, but Swayze did as we learn later. I subpoena the FNB statements, and learn that Swayze had overtly and consciously deposited the court order frozen proceeds of a land sale into an account that Swayze has set up for my father at FNB. Then I learned that my father has lost $60k of the $500,000 of cash deposited into the bank. Lets not forget, Evelyn’s name is on that $500,000. (See blog ‘THE $500K BANK HEIST’)






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